What’s in My Bag? How I Keep My Bag Junk Free

lulu whats in my bag one little black dress

I love reading “What’s In My Bag?” posts! They’re such a great way to get to know someone 🙂

I used to have a really messy purse and was always losing things in it, but a few months ago I purchased a nice little organizer and everything stays pretty neat and clean now. Anyway, let’s get started. This is my bag:

lulu purse one little black dress

This is what my bag looks when you peek inside:

grip it organizer in purse one little black dress
Pretty clean, huh? Here’s what’s inside:

grid it organizer one little black dress purse
Most of the items in my purse are kept inside my Grid It organizer. Here I have:
1. Some uni-ball pens
2. Altoids
3. Lotion
4. Aleve
5. Scissors (I always seem to need them for some reason.)
6. Glasses cleaner
7. Pocket knife
8. hand sanitizer

Anything that doesn’t fit in the organizer goes behind it


1. A little notebook for doodling and ideas
2. A bottle of water. I always have a little bottle, even when I’m carrying just a clutch. The one I have now is a mini Fiji water bottle.
3. Here’s a little trick I learned. I use an empty vitamin bottle as a purse trash can to hold any gum wrappers, bits of paper, etc.

I’ve also got a few skin and hygiene products

1. Deodorant (I know this one is for men, but it’s hard to find one that’s aluminum-free!)
2. EOS Lip Balm  (my favorite lip balm! 🙂 )
3. A little compact mirror
4. One emergency feminine napkin
5. Yes To Cucumber face wipes. Not so much for my face, but for situations when I have sticky food on my fingers.

My wallet is a little phone case that hold a couple of credit cards and has a zipper when you can hold cash. If I’m just running somewhere and back really quickly, I leave my purse and take just this with my phone in it.

So here are my quick tips for keeping your purse neat and clean:
1.) Use an organizer
2.) Use an old pill bottle as a purse trash can
3.) Periodically check for strays. Any items in my bag that aren’t in my purse organizer stick out like a sore thumb, so items that don’t belong get removed quickly.

What’s your best tip for an organized purse? Comment and let me know 🙂




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