Building a Better Closet Step 4: Organize

It’s organizing time! This can either be the easiest or hardest step, depending on the state of you closet.

1. Remove all of the clothes from your closet.
2. Designate areas in your closet for each type of clothing (casual, work, church, etc.) For me, one side of my closet is dressy clothes and the other side is casual clothes.
3. Separate the clothes by tops, pants, skirts, etc. and hang accordingly.
4. Group accessories such as belts, scarves, purses, and shoes together.

That’s it!

This may take a while, so don’t be discouraged. If you can’t manage it all at once, break it into smaller tasks such has casual clothes today, dressy clothes tomorrow, shoes after that, etc.

What’s your best clothing organizational tip? Comment and let me know! -Tyler

Catch the rest of the series
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3


Building a Better Closet Step 3: Acquire the Basics

building a better closet acquire the basics

So you’ve already done all your minimizing and revamping, but you’re still not quite satisfied with your wardrobe yet. Guess what, guys? It’s time to go shopping! 😀

Now before you get too excited, remember to be smart about this. Buying just any random thing you liked is what got you dissatisfied with your closet in the first place, remember? The solution is intentionally buy basic, versatile pieces that can be worn several times in a number of ways.

Here are some suggestions for essentials that you might want in your closet:

1. One little black dress
2. One white dress
3. One black blazer
4. One professional looking black skirt
5. At least one pair of professional looking pants
6. One black belt
7. One black cardigan
8. One or two plain t-shirts in white, black, and grey
9.  Solid colored professional blouses
10. A pair of jeans in dark blue, light blue, and black
11.A denim jacket
12. A leather jacket
13. A hoodie
14. A winter coat
15. A trench coat
16. Solid colored turtlenecks
17. Black flats
18. Neutral-colored sneakers
19. Black or brown sandals
20. Fun sandals
21. Pumps in black, white, red, and nude
22. Black and nude colored tights
23. A couple/few summer dresses
24. One swimsuit
25. A medium-sized purse

That’s just an example of my ideal. It will be different for everyone.

Once you have an idea of what basic pieces you want in your closet, make a list of the top 5 things you need soon. Limit yourself to just 5 to gain some focus.

My Top 5:
1. Black skinny jeans
2. Black flats
3. A colorful cardigan
4. A pullover sweater (no hood)
5. This hat (Ok, this one isn’t necessarily a basic essential, but it’s still pretty versatile, and I know that I want it 😛 )

Once you start acquiring basic, versatile pieces, you’ll start to find more and more outfit options, and getting dressed will be a breeze.

Hope these tips helped, guys. If you want to the final step in the process, make sure you follow me and check back next Thursday! – Tyler 🙂


Building a Better Closet Step 2: Revamp

building a better closet step 2 one little black dress
Cleaning out your closet is a great opportunity to breathe new life into old clothes. This is a time when you should gather up everything that has an holes or missing buttons and decide if you want to repair or donate them. If you want to repair them, do it right away so that the clothes can quickly go from being closet clutter to functional pieces of clothing again. If you find yourself waiting too long to get an item fixed, that may be a sign that you just need to let it go.

Another great thing you can do with items in your closet is turn them into something totally new. There are plenty of fun projects that you can do with your clothes such as

1. Turn a t-shirt into a tote bag
(Pro Tip: if you want an even faster and easier way to do this.,
just tie up the bottom of the shirt with a hair elastic.  It’s temporary
and takes just a few seconds)
2. Turn an old sweater into a hat (no-sew video tutorial)
3. DIY high-low skirt
4. Spray painted T-shirt

You could even try just wearing your clothes in different creative ways, like wearing a skirt as a dress.

The point is, if you’re bored with your clothes. Try having some fun with them. For me, building a better closet not only lifts a burden, but opens up the window for new projects as well.

If you missed Step 1, click here to read all about it. Step 3 is coming next Thursday. So make sure you Follow or subscribe by email (button is on the right) so that you don’t miss it!

What’s your best tip for building a better closet? Leave me a comment !(I love comments! 🙂 ) If you can’t find the comment box, try clicking the little talk bubble next to the title at the top of the page 😛 Thanks for reading, everyone!


Building a Better Closet Step 1: Minimize

building a better minimalist closet one little black dress

No one likes the feeling of having a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. Many people think that the way to solve this problem is to simply go out and buy more clothes, picking up whatever looks cute when you go out. I actually don’t think that solves the problem, I think that causes the problem. If you want to open a closet and see plenty of options for things to wear, you have to be very intentional about it. The first step is to minimize.

So here a few things to remove from your closet to get started:

1. The items that don’t fit. When we lose or gain weight we tend to hold onto our old clothes “just in case.” Do yourself a favor and remove these items. They’re just taking up precious space.
2. The items you no longer like. We all seem to hold onto several clothing items that we know we don’t like. Maybe your style changed over time, or maybe you picked up something that you didn’t like just because it was on sale. I used to do that a lot too. We do we do this to ourselves? If you feel bad that you’re “wasting” clothes that you spent money on by not wearing them, don’t worry about it. Life is too short to wear clothes you don’t like.
3. Items that don’t flatter your body. It might be the shape, it might print, it might be the size. Whatever the reason, if a piece of clothing doesn’t flatter your body, get rid of it.
4. Items that just don’t match anything. Every now and then I’ll buy a skirt or a pair of shoes and never wear them because I can’t find anything in my closet to pair them with. If this goes on for too longer, it’s probably time to let go.
5. Remove any broken or unwanted hangers. I actually stumbled onto this tip while reading Living Well Spending Less. It made me realize that one thing that I really hate about my closet is all of the extra hangers, the dry cleaners hangers, the plastic hangers from the store, etc. It just make everything look so disorganized. So I’m going to follow her advice and invest in a nice set of hangers when I get the chance. I think some nice wooden hangers would improve the feel of my closet drastically 🙂

“But if I get rid of all of these things, I won’t have anything left!”

I know that feeling. If you get rid of all these items on impulse, you may regret it later, right? Let me just tell you this almost never happens, and even if you end up with just a few items left in your closet, you’ll be surprised to find that no one will really notice. Even if you wore say, the same 8 items over and over again for a month, it’s unlikely that anyone will notice. People really just aren’t that observant.

One thing that can help you get started is to fill a bag with all of the items mentioned above, and just put the item out of sight somewhere in the house. If you decide that you need something in the bag, you can always get it, but chances are that you’ll just forget about it after a while. When you finally do see and remember the bag again and you never missed it, that’s your cue to donate it.

TIP: Hold on to a few comfy tees and sweats even if they aren’t your favorite (as long as they’re comfortable). This way, on the days you stay in, you can wear your less-loved clothes and you can save your favorite pieces for days you’re out and about. If you hate seeing these items in your closet, try finding a drawer for them to live in.




I hope you found these tips helpful! 🙂 If you liked it and want to read about Step 2 next Thursday, just follow me here on WordPress, or sign up with the email subscription button on the right and you’ll automatically be notified every time I make a post 🙂 Have a great day! -Tyler

Bad Fashion Choices: The Striped-Rose Dress


Sooooo, this dress. I got this dress because my cousin was getting rid of some of her clothes, and even though I didn’t like it, I took it. I had the mindset of “more clothes is better than less clothes.” This was a time in my life where I would buy clothes that I didn’t even like just because they were three dollars, a dollar, fifty cents, etc. just for the sake of having a larger wardrobe.

My boyfriend likes this dress, so I held onto it for a lot longer than I would have, but here we are three years later and I’ve recently gotten rid of it. Why? Because my new mindset is “why would I wear something that I don’t even like??”. Granted, I do still have a few items in my closet that I don’t like, but that’s mostly because those items are my warmest ones, and well, I do have to stay warm. In the future as I buy things here and there, they will be replaced and I will get rid of them.


Have you ever worn clothes that you don’t like? If so, ask yourself…..why?




Pssssssssssst, hey you!

Oh great, you’re still reading. This is a new blog, and I’m really interested to know what you look for in a fashion blog, or what you thought about this one. Do you like reading about my bad fashion choices? Yes? No? Maybe so? The feedback would be reeally helpful and I’d appreciate it if you would take a moment to leave a short comment for me. Thanks in advance! :) -Tyler

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