Liebster Award!



Ok guys you got me. Not only am I guilty of not blogging for a while (life happens), BUT I forgot the names of the two bloggers who nominated me for this award :0 It was a few weeks ago, and I can’t find the comments they left me! 😦 If you see this post and you’re the one who nominated me for this award, please leave a comment so I can link back to you.

The Liebster Award is to help new and undiscovered bloggers to find and promote each other. I was nominated because I have less than 200 followers.

Ok so as the custom goes, I’ll answer 10 questions about myself!

  1. How did you pick your blog’s name?
    I chose to call my blog “One Little Black Dress” because it’s all about creating multiple outfits with simple, versatile pieces. Also, I love sharing new looks with the “one little black dress” in my closet 🙂
  2. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 13-​​year-​​old self?
    Set big goals and find ways to achieve them. Don’t let your time just slip away.
  3. What’s your favorite TV show?
    Switched at Birth
  4. What are three things you cannot live without?
    My laptop, my phone, and tea. Is that sad? lol
  5. Who is your favorite fictional character?
    Hmm hard one. I’d have to say Shawn Spencer from Psych. He’s hilarious!
  6. What is your most prized possession?
    I don’t think I’m that attached to any one thing to call it a “prized possession.”
  7. Describe yourself in three words.
    Is this a job interview?! -__- Hmm, I’ll say indecisive, artful, multifaceted
  8. What is your guiltiest pleasure?
    Eating something unhealthy like ice cream right after I exercise. Lol. Don’t tell me I wasted my workout, because it’s either that or just the ice cream and no workout! #fattylogic
  9. What single quality do you most appreciate in people?
    Being kind to people who aren’t kind to you. It’s a rare thing to find
  10. What’s your favorite post that you’ve written? (Link, please!)
    Hard to pick just one, but I guess I’d say this one because I think it’s the best outfit I’ve posted on this blog 🙂

Here are my favorite blogs with under 200 followers that I nominate for the Liebster Award:


Have a great Wednesday everyone! 🙂 -Tyler